Author Spotlight – Q&A with Kaylee Ryan

We got a chance to catch up with the amazing Kaylee Ryan. We love being nosey and getting down and dirty, so we did a little Q&A. Let’s see what she had to say!

What made you decide to become an author? I’ve always loved to read and wanted to tell the stories of the characters in my head. I never imagined I would be publishing.

What is the hardest thing about writing for you? It’s a lonely job. You miss out on a lot of events with family and friends to get your stories down and out into the world.

Do you have any routines or superstitions that you go through whenever you write a book – Such as a specific room to write in, certain drink, same pen/pencil every time, specific music or noise? Release a book? Not really. I do listen to music when I write. I also have a notebook for every book. I like to write notes and ideas. It helps me work out the plot and keep track of the characters.

Who is the one person in the writing profession who has inspired you the most? There are so many. I can’t’ choose just one. Recently, I would say my writing partner Lacey Black. It helps to bounce ideas and not feel like you are isolated from the word when you write.

Which character is your favorite? Which character was the hardest to write? Why? I love them all. Each of them holds a special place in my heart. The hardest would have to be Unexpected Bond. I can’t tell you too much without spoilers, but that story hit close to home for me.

Would you consider collaborating a book with anyone else? If so…who?  Who would be your unicorn author to collaborate with? Just my writing BFF, Lacey Black. We have a very similar writing style, and overall outlook on life. I couldn’t imagine writing with anyone else.

Who is your favorite author…someone that you will buy their book even without thinking?  Lacey Black, Catherine Cowles, Kelly Elliott, my list is long. I one-click so many of my peer’s books to support them knowing it will be hard to ever be able to read them all. 

What is your best piece of advice for someone who wants to write or publish? Write for you. Don’t write to the market. Write what you love, hire a good editor, and cover designer. 

If you could ask your readers 1 question and have them all answer…what would it be? Names. My reader group always helps me out with new names for characters.

What is your writing kryptonite? Babies and single dads.

Do you plot out your book or do you write as you go? Both. I have a loose plot and make notes in my notebook as I move along. Sometimes I go off the path and change what I thought the story was going to be, and sometimes I stay on track. It’s different with every book.

Do you want each book or series to stand on its own or are you building a universe where all the books/series connect with each other? I’ve done both. The books can be read as standalone, but the world-building is strong. I love the strong family and friendship dynamics that it brings to each story.

If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice related to writing what would it be? Don’t sweat the small stuff. Not everyone is going to love your work and that’s okay. There are millions of stories out there, which means there is something for everyone.

What is the biggest lesson you learned after you published your first book? Everyone gets bad reviews. Don’t take them to heart. One person may love what another hates. You have to learn to roll with the punches and accept that.

What is a guilty pleasure? Reading! When I have time.

What is your favorite movie? Sweet Home Alabama

Do you have a favorite vacation spot? The mountains!

What’s an Item on your bucket list? Visit Australia

What is your most treasured possession? That’s a toss up between my Kindle and my laptop. LOL

Do you have a spirit animal?  If so, what is it? No.

What is your favorite holiday & why? Thanksgiving. It’s a time for everyone to get together. You don’t have to stress about gifts, or how much money your spending. It’s just a day to eat, catch up with family, watch some football and chill.

If you could have a superpower, what would you choose? Be in two places at once.

What’s your favorite candy? Peanut M&M’s

Where you can find Kaylee-


Reader Group:

Author Page:


Book + Main: 




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