Author Spotlight – Q&A with Anna Edwards

We got a chance to catch up with Anna Edwards. We love being nosey and getting down and dirty, so we did a little Q&A. Let’s see what she had to say!

Q & A Questions

What made you decide to become an author?

I was originally part of a role playing group on Twitter, I met Charity Hendry, who at the time worked for Carrie Ann Ryan, she persuaded me to write a book and the rest is history.

What is the hardest thing about writing for you?

My brain works too fast for my fingers. Most of what I type at the start is a complete mess. 

Do you have any routines or superstitions that you go through whenever you write a book – Such as a specific room to write in, certain drink, same pen/pencil every time, specific music or noise? Release a book?

I have to plan my story fully before I write it, ok, the characters often go off on a tangent but I need to have a plan in front of me. 

Who is the one person in the writing profession who has inspired you the most?

There are so many wonderful authors who’ve helped me over the years but I have to say Carrie Ann Ryan, Kristen Proby and Donna Grant to name three.

Which character is your favorite? Which character was the hardest to write? Why?

My favorite character is William from Tainted Reasoning. He’s autistic and that is something close to my heart. He was hard to write but at the same time liberating. He’s not the typical hero but I just let him go with what he wanted in the story. 

Would you consider collaborating a book with anyone else? If so…who?  Who would be your unicorn author to collaborate with?

I’ve collaborated with several authors already, Dani Renè, Claire Marta, Lexi C. Foss and Maria Macdonald. My unicorn author would probably be Pepper Winters. I’m a big fan. 

Who is your favorite author…someone that you will buy their book even without thinking?

I can’t give you just one, I have so many. Donna Grant and Pepper Winters are two of my top ones though.

What is your best piece of advice for someone who wants to write or publish?

Learn to be yourself on social media, that is the most important part. I’m very shy as a person and I’ve taken some knocks over the years I’ve been writing but I’ve always been honest and kind. The truth will always show through in the end. 

If you could ask your readers 1 question and have them all answer…what would it be?

Long or thick? You know what I mean. ;->

What is your writing kryptonite?

My kids at the moment but thankfully they are hopefully going back to school in a few days. 

Do you plot out your book or do you write as you go?

I always plot, I was an accountant previously so I have a fancy spreadsheet. 

Do you want each book or series to stand on its own or are you building a universe where all the books/series connect with each other?

I always build universes with my books because I hate leaving characters behind. After I finish that series I always seem to bring the characters into the new books I write.

If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice related to writing what would it be?

Trust your instincts with your story. You may get criticized for something you write but you can’t please everyone all the time. Trust in your story. I once had a reviewer tell me I know nothing about autism. My son is autistic so I think I do, my experience was different to hers. You can’t please everyone so don’t try. 

What is the biggest lesson you learned after you published your first book?

Don’t be afraid to ask other authors for help, some may say no but the majority will love to help you.

What is a guilty pleasure?


What is your favorite movie?

I don’t really watch movies, I’m more of a documentary person. 

Do you have a favorite vacation spot?

Florida where my best friend Charity Hendry lives. 

What’s an Item on your bucket list?

To visit Salem where the witch trials happened. 

What is your most treasured possession?

My wedding rings

Do you have a spirit animal?  If so, what is it?

It has to be a snow leopard, I adore them and even wrote a paranormal romance with once as the lead character.

What is your favorite holiday & why?

Anywhere I can sit back and chill out. I need it.

If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?

Teleportation. I would love to travel the world without the airport experience.

What would be your theme song?

I’ve absolutely no idea, something about being quiet on the outside but twisted on the inside. 

What is the funniest thing someone has ever said to you?

The innocent ones are always the worse. I think I’ve said funnier things lately. I’d had a couple of glasses (bottles) of wine the other day and my daughter asked me to turn her fan on. I told her no because the chickens would do it. We don’t have chickens so where that came from I have no idea

What’s your favorite candy?

Sour cherries. 

About Anna Edwards

Anna Edwards is a British author from the depths of the rural countryside near London. When she has some spare time, she can also be found writing poetry, baking cakes (and eating them), or behind a camera snapping like a mad paparazzo. She’s an avid reader who turned to writing to combat her depression and anxiety. She has a love of traveling and likes to bring this to her stories to give them the air of reality. She likes her heroes hot and hunky with a dirty mouth, her heroines demure but with spunk, and her books full of dramatic suspense.

Where you can find Anna Edwards



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